Tanzania Education Netwok/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania(TENMET) with Registration Number 00008049 Funds received and expenditures for July-December 2022

Pursuant to Regulation 13 (a) of Non-Government Organizations Regulations, 2004 as amended by Non-Government Organizations(Amendments) Regulations,GN No 609 of 2018.

Whereas Regulation 13(a) of the above mentioned regulations requires that all Non-Governmental Organizations in Tanzania to publish biannually fund received and their expenditures in a widely circulated newspaper which are accessible by the targeted beneficiaries as part of financial transparency and accountability compliance requirement.

In view of the above Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania(TENMET) would wish to make the following public disclosure of the funds received for 2022 activities and their actual expenditures, which publication covers the reporting period from 1st July 2022 to 31 December 2022.

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