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GAWE 2023

April 17, 2023 - April 21, 2023

Global Action Week for Education is one of the major focal points for the education movement. It provides every national and regional education campaign with an opportunity to highlight one area of the Education For All agenda and make targeted efforts to achieve change on the ground, with the added support of education campaigners and millions of members of the public worldwide joining together for the same cause.

Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania (TEN/MET) has been commemorating Global Action Week for Education (GAWE) for the past 15 years now since 2007. Each year a region is identified based on observed various educational challenges through the identified theme. The overarching goal of GAWE week has always been the same i.e., improving learning outcomes, however each year the commemoration of GAWE comes with specific objectives depending on the specific needs of the particular year and other contextual factors.
The Global Action Week for Education is a flagship event for the civil society education movement in the world and has been running successfully since 2003. The platform provides every national and regional education campaigner with an opportunity to highlight one area of the Education for All agenda and make targeted efforts to achieve change on the ground, with the added support of millions of education campaigners worldwide joining together for the same cause. In 2016 the choice was made to focus on Financing Education, and remained a core focus area (with a broader theme around accountability and civil society participation). Education financing is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 by 2030 and thus education financing should remain at the heart of the campaigns as an underlying theme with connections to all other themes.

TEN/MET continues to advocate for improvement in the provision of quality and equity education so as to improve learning outcomes and also meet the objectives of the SDG4. For these reasons, the 2023 GAWE commemoration aims at  advocating for Education Financing. GAWE event will be commemorated from 17th – 21st April 2023 in Morogoro DC, under the global theme “Decolonising Education Financing


April 17, 2023
April 21, 2023


Morogoro DC, Tanzania, United Republic of
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